29 October 2010 - 3 brutal di sini

M mengimbau kembali (M in memories)

*dari kiri cepat jalan! lilylulu, weet, aminorazmi, aku!!!
(*from left : lilylulu, weet, aminorazmi, myself!!)

ini gambar tahun 2006. bukak pose kat umah helmy emran (tp dia takder kat dlm gambar ni).
betapa aku rindukan geng M ini.
(this picture has been taken in 2006 at helmy emran's house .
how i miss this M Gang)

dulu, we used to be together in wat matter. (aiceh)
(once, we used to be together in wat matter )

perkenalan antara amoi cina tu, weet dan aku bmula apabila kami ponteng keje dan pegi dataran merdeka (korang igt lagi tak???)
(this relationship starts between chienese girl, weet and myself when we decide to skip our office hour and go to Merdeka Square )

then, amin join kitorg. rupenye sengal dan M jugak dia.
(then, amin join us. oh! he's crazy and M too!)

gi melaka 2 kali, g tganu, gi sana sini bersama2.
(go for Malacca for twice, go terengganu, here and there together)

sampai la weet kawen. kitorg dh tak bersama sgt.
(until weet gets married. then, we are slowly apart)

dan kemuncaknye apabila FMDC buat hal mcm celaka (sial lu org yg cam gampang di tganu ituw)
(and the climaks was when FMDC has corrupted )

tp.......kitorg ttp contact. kan kan kan?
(but.....we stil keep in touch right. right? right? right?)

walau tak seperti dulu....tp dlm hari dan ingatan masih lagi hafal nama2 dan kenangan2 terindah.
(even not as last time...but in days and memories we stil know each other and the sweet memories.)


*lepas ni sape plak kawen ye? aku ke amin?
*who will get married after this? myself or amin?

#translation being done for my postcrossing friends and international friends. thank you for your visits.

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