15 December 2010 - 1 brutal di sini

prejudis? atau kerana dendam....

aku ke klinik pagi tadi.
i went to a clinic just now.

seperti biasa...aku dh saket 3 4 bulan barulah aku ke klinik bongok ituw.

as usual...when i got sick after all 3 or 4 months then i go to the stupid clinic.

dan seperti biasa....cek biasa2 aje.

and as usual...just a normal check up.

bagi ubat, bg time slip (Selepas diminta).
write up some medicine, give a time slip (after being asked.)

aku paling benci jmp doktor.

im the one who are really hate the doctors!


ass hole!

dgn muke yg mcm....

with the expression juz like...

aku tau la ko keje gomen kat tmpt kecik...takyah la nak kate ko bes..

i know well you work with government at a very small town...please dont show off..

klu tak kerana aku saket berbulan2 ko igt aku nak jmp ko ke???
if im not sick enough would u think im gonna to see you????

aku menyokong pada mereka2 yang slalu ke klinik swasta..
im proudly those who are went to the private clinic..

sbb senang dpt MC.
bcause of the asy of MC.

bayangkan ye...aku demam...siap la kahak kale ijau baek punye...

can you image...im sick...with the great green phlegm..

dia tak bg MC...aku pegi keje naek kerete wei! bukan naek bas!

the doctor refuse to give me MC..im driving hokey?? not using public trasnport!

siap la nak panjat opis aku 3 tingkat...

plus i have to hike the 3 storey building to my office!

berdiri sket aku rasa cam nak jatuh...

when im standing straight i feel like to fall down

tp doktor sebijik gampang tak bg aku MC..
but the shit doctor refuse to give me one day off..

aku mintak time slip smp kol 12 pon boleh dia ckp ape? "nnt quiery plak"

im asking for time slip until 12.00pm then she can say "i would be quiery by your department"



ko tu keje kerajaan! aku kerajaaan!! quiry ape plakkk??????

you are government staff and im too!!! what kind of quiery that it would be????

laen la ko tu swasta!!!!!
unless you are private!!!

ko tak nmpk punye ramai makcik2 kat lua tu tgu dpt rawatan daripada ko yg gampang ituw??

cant you see all the old ladies waiting for you shit??

punye lame aku nak dpt jmp ko yg cam sial tu semata2 nak bg ubat 3 4 jenis tu????

just to see you for you to give 3 or 4 kind of medicines???

ko mmg doktor gampang terbaik!

you are the best bullshit hell doctor!!

dari dulu mmg aku tak suke ngan doktor!!

i hate doctor from the start!!

sebab tu dulu mak gua suruh gua amek doktor gua tanak!!!

that's why i doesnt want to be doctor even my mother ask !!

aku mmg tak suke doktor....dan bertambah aku tak sukeeee apabila doktor la penyebab hidup aku down gile!!!

i really doctors/..and plus with the fucking ass hole doctor makes my life misarable...

sbb pompuan gampang tu la aku pts cinta!!!

because of that hell stupid woman i got break off!

owh doktor...kenapa ko dicipta utk berlagak sedangkan semasa tuhan makbulkan doa ko bahawa ko berjanji pada diri sendiri utk menyembuhkan penyakit orang tetapi akhirnya ko memungkiri janji2 ko???

dear doctors...why are you being alive to be like ass hole while when God agreed to approve your wish that you promise to yourself that u will heal the deases but u break your promises???

ko igt tuhan akan makbulkan ke doa ko klu ko tak janji camtu??

do you think God will approve your wish if you not promises?

lihat ape dh jadi pada janji2 manismu?

just look at your sweet words...

1 brutal di sini:

MRS. K ^ibuhadifhessa^ December 15, 2010 at 5:36 PM

cinta mu kecundang di tengah jalan kerana seoran doktor??

menarikss ni..

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