12 January 2011 - , , , , , , 0 brutal di sini

may i borrow your happiness?

owh, jika anda rasa saya poyo berbahasa inggeris...ketahuilah bahawa blog saya ini jua utk rakan-rakan di luar negara. harap anda semua paham dwi bahasa yang sy taip ye. jangan marah ye kawan2....

im having a bad time.
bad emotion.
bad situation.
bad hungry of my big belly stomach!

its because of something that i found about the truth.
yeah...its hard for me to accept it...
when most of the thing i can accept it...

but now...i dont know why...

i just cant...
evn it juz a lil thing yow!~~

im browsing my friends stuffs...
i see the pictures, the status, the black and white of writing on their blog..
they were very happy...

may i borrow your happiness for a while?
im happy...outside....a lil bit inside...
but i cant keep on pretending im totally happy...
maybe im just having a lil bad time now...
pray to Allah, ask everything from Him..

walau aku ini jahat...Dia tetap memaafkan aku...
sayangi aku...
memberi segala rezeki padaku...
sesungguhnya Ya Allah aku ini hanya hambamu yang lemah...
ampunkanlah dosa-dosaku...

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